Exploring Nature Near Jakarta with GoWild: A Day Trip to the Thousand Islands

Living in busy Jakarta, it’s easy to forget that the ocean is never really far. A recent day trip with my son to the Thousand Islands served as a reminder that nature is just a stone throw away (check out our video here).

We began our adventure bright and early, meeting our small group in PIK at 6 am before boarding a wooden boat. Our first stop was Muara Angke wildlife sanctuary, where we enjoyed birdwatching and glimpsed various wildlife, including monkeys and monitor lizards.

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Pulau Untung Jawa (Credit: Kompas)

Next was Pulau Untung Jawa, a popular tourist spot near Jakarta. While the island was peaceful during our visit due to Ramadan, it’s typically bustling with day-trippers. We enjoyed a leisurely walk around the island, through mangroves and along the coastline.

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Our final destination was Pulau Onrust, an island with a rich history under Dutch and Japanese rule (more here). Despite the view of Jakarta in the distance, the clear blue waters surrounding the island were inviting.

Our day trip was organized by GoWild, which is run by a foreigner passionate about nature and commited to sharing it with others. This was our second time joing GoWild trip (last time was a 3 day stay in Ujung Genteng) and we highly recommend their well-planned excursions at reasonable prices. For those interested, joining their mailing list is as simple as emailing [email protected].

Alternatively, regular boat services from Ancol, Tangerang, provide easy access to Pulau Untung Jawa for self-planned day trips.

Overall, our day trip to the 1000 Islands was a refreshing break from the city’s hustle and bustle, and gave us a chance to connect with nature without venturing too far from home.